Hurricane Home Solutions Inc

Sulfur and Odors

Strong odors are some of the most obvious water quality issues to "sniff out," but getting rid of them can be much more troublesome...

The Problems That Stem From Sulfur, Gas and Iron Bacteria

Although it is not always the case, a strong "egg like" odor coming from your facets and water is generally being caused by one of two things: sulfur deposits or iron bacteria. These are not the only contaminants that may be causing an odor, but they are the most common. 

Some odors may also be the byproduct of broken mainlines or sewage cross-contamination. These issues are less common but can be quite catastrophic, and normally will have a widespread effect on nearby homes and neighbors. 

If you've noticed odd odors or tastes, egg-like smells or even any discoloration, we would recommend getting a water test to determine the existing conditions of the water running through your home. This can be done through most state labs for a small fee, but some home contracts (like our company, for example) will offer homeowners free water tests and quotes for the systems recommended to treat their issues.

  • Strong odors are often the byproduct of mineral deposits such as iron or sulfur.

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  • Construction equipment digging into deposits.

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  • Mineral Deposits can leak into water supplies and cause contamination

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Sulfur and Iron:

  • Sulfur Deposits

    Hydrogen Sulfide Gas is a popular culprit for these tastes and odors. These gasses and deposits are naturally occurring and are not necessarily harmful in the way some other contaminants are, but they can be incredibly unpleasant because of the putrid smell and taste.

    Although sulfur deposits and the resulting gas can be found naturally in a variety of places and situations, the frequency is more common in rural homes that get water from a well. It is almost always the case that well water needs some degree of purification, depending on the local water tables.

  • Iron Bacteria

    Iron Bacteria is another naturally occurring contaminant that is often confused with sulfur because the smell and taste are both very similar. In addition to the smell and taste, iron bacteria will often cause a slight discoloration in the water, generally something like a yellow-orangish hue.

    Iron Bacteria often cohabitates with other harmful bacteria, which means that getting  some water quality tests would be a good idea if you observe any of the  iron bacteria indicators. Shocking your well could be a good temporary solution but some form of water treatment will eventually be needed. 


  • Broken / Rotting Pipes

    Rotting and rusted pipes can also be the cause of odd tastes and odors in your water, since the slow degradation of those metal pipes will eventually lead to contamination of the water over time. As is the case with many water condition problems, the effect of these contaminants can be exacerbated by heat.

    As iron and other metal pipes get older, they naturally decay, but these kinds of problems can be exacerbated by mineral deposits and hard water. In some instances where the water condition problems are compounded, multiple forms of purification and treatment are recommended.

Other Odor Examples:

  • Sewage Smell

    This particular odor is a bad sign, and is generally indicative of some kind of cross-contamination.  In most municipal settings wastewater is actually still treated quite a bit, but is still miles away from being safe for human consumption.

    If you suspect that there may be a sewage leak or cross contamination of some kind in your neighborhood, you should contact your municipality immediately.  This may require a sewage line repair somewhere in the area that is underground. 

  • Gas or Methane

    Gas pockets are naturally occurring but can also be introduced into your water supply by human activity that disrupts the ground  such as digging and mining. The general indicators here may be either a cloudy or milky look, or possibly bubbles that appear similar to carbonation from soda.

    Most gasses will slowly diapate into the air after some time , but the specific concern with methane is inhalation and flammability. Methane can be difficult to detect because it is tasteless and odorless.

The Solution to Sulfur and Gas:

Air Tank and R.O.

Gasses that result from mineral deposits are some of the most difficult to treat since the water must be "aerated" to remove the harmful gasses. These issues are also fairly uncommon, at least in our neck of the woods in NY and PA, but it does happen from time to time, and is not completely "unheard of."

For these issues, since they are generally the result of a combination of conditions, we recommend homeowners get both an Air Tank and an R.O. system for their home. The Air Tank will deal with the gasses by venting them out, and the R.O. will clean up the Nitrates, TDS and other contaminants in the water. If there is a significant amount of bacteria in the system as well, you would also want to consider a U.V. Light or chlorination of some kind.

If you think you may be experiencing some of these issues in your home give us a call today and let one of our representatives test your water conditions.

Free Consultation
The Eclipse R.O. is an excellent Reverse Osmosis System
An Air Tank is a specialized piece of equipment that helps with odor problems in water.
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